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Recycling Council of Ontario in Canadian RecycleXchange

Recycling Council of Ontario
Recycling Council of Ontario
The RCO, a not-for-profit registered charity, was established in 1978 to promote the development of recycling and waste reduction programs in Ontario. Over the years its mandate has evolved to include research, policy development, advocacy, public education and demonstration projects. In 1989, the RCO was recognized by the United Nations with an environmental award for its role in establishing Ontario's highly successful blue box curbside recycling program. Since 2005 the RCO has launched Take Back the Light, a fluorescent lamp recycling program and 3RCertified a waste certicfication program for the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional sector.

Recycling Council of Ontario
Orangeville Ontario

Contact : Jo-Anne St. Godard
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Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 07:41:59 EST
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